You are invited to join Procopio attorney David Graham as he begins a multi-part special education webinar series for charter school teams in the 2024-25 school year. This webinar series will trace the concept of educational benefit, including IEP compliance and best practices, from referral all the way through implementation and into due process. The first session of this series on August 29, 2024 will focus on back-to-school issues: adopting incoming IEPs, adapting IEPs to your educational environment, drafting interim IEPs, holding 30-day transition meetings, placement considerations, addressing early referrals, and considering vaccine exemptions. We will also cover best practices in amending baselines, goal language, services, and accommodations. This session will be beneficial to all faculty who draft and/or implement IEPs or supervise those who do. Charter school teams can register for this complimentary webinar:
SPED Best Practices and IEP Compliance, Part I: Back-To-School Issues
August 29, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Date & Time
David Graham, Associate
Patrick Ross, Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications
EmailP: 619.906.5740
Suzie Jayyusi, Events Planner
EmailP: 619.525.3818