Michele B. Brown

Services & Specializations
525 B Street, Suite 2200, San Diego, CA 92101
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Michele focuses her practice exclusively on family law. A Certified Family Law Specialist, certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization, she handles dissolution of marriage, legal separation and annulment actions, child and spousal support matters, paternity, custody, move-away/relocation cases, grandparent visitation rights, post judgment support, set aside and enforcement matters, the preparation or review of pre-marital and post-marital agreements and domestic violence restraining order cases. Michele frequently represents clients in complex family law matters, which matters may involve business valuations, income analysis, separate property tracing, characterization and division of property and custody evaluations. Although Michele is a skilled trial attorney, Michele prides herself in trying to resolve matters through mediation, but if mediation fails, she is ready to take the matter to trial. Michele also acts as a neutral mediator for parties and she leads Procopio’s Family Law practice group.
Michele is extensively involved in drafting and reviewing family law legislation in California and frequently testifies before the Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees on family law. She has written numerous articles on family law and has presented state-wide on family law issues. Michele was a member of the inaugural Board of Representatives for the California Lawyers Association and assisted in the formation of the CLA as the Sections separated from the State Bar of California, creating the largest bar association in the state.
- Best Lawyers®, Family Law, 2018-present
- SuperLawyers® San Diego Top 25 Women, 2024
- Super Lawyers®, Family Law, 2014-2024
- Association of Family Law Specialists (ACFLS) Sterling Board Award, 2024
- Martindale-Hubbell® AV Preeminent Rating, 2016-present
- Top Lawyers, San Diego Magazine, 2016-present
- West Coast Top Rated Lawyers, ALM, 2019
- Winner, Michael C. Shea Teacher-Mentor Award, San Diego Family Law Bar Association, 2019
- Outstanding Service to Family Law (“Diane Award”), California Lawyers Association, Family Law Section, 2019
- Legend in Legislation, State Bar of California, Family Law Section, 2016
- Top Lawyers, San Diego Magazine, 2016-present
- Best of the Bar, San Diego Business Journal, 2015-2016
- Top Family Law Attorneys, San Diego Daily Transcript, 2007, 2009-2013
- Top Family Law Attorneys in San Diego County, San Diego Metro, 2011-2012
- Top Family Law Attorneys, Our City, San Diego, 2009-2010
- JD, University of San Diego School of Law, 1994
- BA (Political Science and Spanish), University of California, Riverside, 1989
- Macquarie University (Politics and French), Rotary International Foundation Scholar, Sydney, Australia, 1988
- British Universities North American Club Exchange Program, London, England, 1987
- Presenter. Judicial Officer of the Year Award, Judge Laura Miller, California Lawyers Association, 2024.
- Moderator. California Lawyers Association, Legislation Day, 2024.
- Co-author. “CLA Sponsors Legislation to Remove Unnecessary Restrictions on Your Ability to Practice Law,” California Lawyers Association, March 4, 2024.
- Moderator. California Lawyers Association, Legislation Day, 2023.
- Presenter. “Outstanding Service to Family Law Award to Judge Monica Wiley,” ACFLS Awards Ceremony, December 2023.
- Testimony. “SB662 (Rubio) Electronic Court Reporting,” California Senate Judiciary Committee, 2023.
- Presenter/Panelist. “Governmental Affairs at the CLA,” Sacramento Legislation Day, April 2023.
- Panelist. “COVID and the Impact on the Court,” Joint Session of the California State Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees, February 23, 2021.
- Author. Letter to California state leadership on behalf of the California Lawyers Association Family Law Section, “Re: Covid-19 – Request for Guidance and Emergency Relief in Family Law Matters,” March 31, 2020.
- Co-Presenter. “Navigating Sanchez in the Wild West: Diverse approaches and Applications in the California Family Courts,” AFCC-CA Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 2020.
- Author. AFCC President’s Message, AFCC-CA Insights, Winter 2020
- Author. AFCC President’s Message, AFCC-CA Insights, Summer 2019.
- Co-Presenter: “TRIAL TECH: Hands-On Training for Family Law Attorneys Trial on Property Issues – Instruction, Demonstration and Practice Orange County Module Two – “Direct Examination,” Association of Certified Family Law Specialists, Orange County, CA, March 17, 2018.
- Co-presenter, “Spousal Support and Domestic Violence,” ACFLS 26th Annual Spring Seminar, Rancho Mirage, March 2018.
- Author. AFCC President’s Message, AFCC-CA Newsletter 2018.
- Co-presenter. “Beyond 4320: Interplay Between Spousal Support and Domestic Violence,” ACFLS 24th Annual Spring Seminar, Rancho Mirage, CA, April 2, 2016.
- Author. “State Bar of California’s 2015 Judicial Officer of the Year Award Bestowed Upon Honorable Maureen F. Hallahan,” Family Law News, The State Bar of California, 2015.
- Presenter. “Community Property Presumptions and Transmutation Agreements,” State Bar of California, Family Law Section, July 30, 2015.
- Presenter. “Covering New Ground In Real Estate & Tracing,” SDFLBA, San Diego, CA, March 4, 2015.
- Author. “AB 2586: Shocking family law faux pas fixed in a flash,” Daily Journal, January 21, 2015.
- Author. “ACFLS’s Anti-Boblistt Legislation is Signed into Law,” ACFLS Family Law Specialist, Association of Certified Family Law Specialists.
- Presenter. “Family Law Discovery,” North County Certified Law Specialists, Vista, CA, October 16, 2014.
- Author. “Flexcom Sponsored AB 414 Reenacts Section 4326 As Urgency Legislation: And Fixes the Gap so No One Falls Between the Cracks,” Family Law News, The State Bar of California, August 25, 2014.
- Co-presenter. “Using Your Mental Health Expert Without Crossing the Line,” co-presenter, Association of Certified Family Law Specialists, Bay Area Chapter, Oakland, CA, April 2014.
- Co-presenter. “Use and Abuse of Experts: Use of Psychological Experts,” San Diego County Bar Association, Family Law Section, San Diego, CA, Fall 2013.
- Panelist. “Recent Developments in Family Law: Cases and Statutes,” San Diego Certified Family Law Specialists, San Diego, CA, Winter 2013.
- Co-author. “Is There a Right to a Record?” Family Law News, The State Bar of California, 2012.
- Co-presenter. “What’s New in 2012? Changes to Family and Juvenile Rules of Court,” San Diego County Bar Association, Family Law Section, Webinar, April 2012.
- Panelist. “Domestic Violence Institute and Mock Trial,” AFCC-CA Annual Conference, February 2012.
- Association of Certified Family Law Specialists
- Member, 2009-present
- Immediate Past President, 2022-2024
- President, 2020-2022
- Vice President, 2019-2020
- Board of Directors, 2014-present
- Chair, Nominations Committee, 2019-2020
- Nominations Committee, 2019-2024
- Chair, Member Benefits Committee, 2024-present
- Member Benefits Committee, 2019-2020, 2024
- Awards Committee, 2014-2024
- Spring Seminar Gold Sponsor, 2020-2024
- Presentation of the Outstanding Service Award to Judge Monica Wiley, 2023
- Chair, Personnel Committee, 2019-2020
- Persnnel Committee, 2019-2022
- Education Committee, 2020-2022
- Finance Committee, 2019-2022
- Spring Seminar Conference Committee, 2016-2022
- ACFLS Mixer, San Diego, Sponsor/Organizer, September 2022
- Presentation of the 2022 Hall of Fame Award to Dianne Fetzer, 2022
- Paraprofessionals ACFLS Working Group, 2021
- Chair, Legislative Advisory Committee, 2017-2019
- Vice-Chair, Legislative Advisory Committee, 2014-2016
- Legislative Advisory Committee, 2011-present
- Presentation of the 2016 Sterling Award to Stephen Temko, 2016
- California Lawyers Association
- Board of Representatives, Family Law, 2018-present
- Judicial Officer of the Year Reception, Organizer/Sponsor/Moderator, 2024
- Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee, 2023-2024
- Co-Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee, 2018-2022
- Chair/Moderator, CLA-Wide Legislation Day, 2021-present
- Co-Chair, CLA Legislation Day, 2019-2020
- Paraprofessionals ACFLS Working Group, 2021
- Public Comment Committee, 2021-present
- Selected as CLA Representative to Washington, D.C. ABA Governmental Affairs Meeting, 2020
- Co-Chair, Appointments Committee, 2018-2019
- Member, San Diego Regional Standing Committee, Family Law Section, 2018-2019
- Co-Chair, Policies and Procedures Committee for the Governmental Affairs Committee, 2018
- Nominations/Elections Committee, 2019
- Civic Learning Initiative Committee, 2018
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), California Chapter
- Past President, 2020-2022
- President, 2018-2020
- President Elect, 2016-2017
- Vice-President, 2015
- Secretary, 2014
- Board of Directors, 2010-2022
- Represented AFCC-CA at the AFCC-International Conferences and the AFCC International President’s meetings, 2018-2020
- Legislative Committee, 2010-2020
- Editorial Committee, 2019-2020
- Website Committee, 2018-2020
- AAML/AFCC Conference Reception by AFCC-CA, organized, advertised, sponsored and hosted, 2017, 2019
- Co-Chair, Personnel Committee, 2019
- Membership Committee, 2010-2017
- State Bar of California, Family Law Section, Executive Committee
- Advisor, 2010-2017
- Executive Committee Voting Member, 2007-2010
- Council of Sections Family Law Representative, 2017
- Advisor, Affirmative Action/Developing Legislastion, 2007-2017
- State Bar of CA All-Sections Working Group on the Deunification of the State Bar Sections (2016-2017)
- Working Group on the Implementation of the Bagley-Keene Act to the Sections, 2016-2017
- Legislative Committee, 2007-2017
- Awards Committee, 2010-2017
- Affirmative Legislation Chair, 2007-2010
- Elkins Task Force Working Group, 2009-2010
- State Bar of California, Family Law Section, San Diego Regional Standing Committee
- Co-Chair, 2006-2007
- Liaison to Family Law Executive Committee/Member of the Standing Committee, 2007-2017
- State Bar of California, Council of Sections
- Council of Sections: Member, Board of Directors, Family Law Representative, 2017
- San Diego County Bar Association, Family Law Section, Certified Family Law Specialists
- Executive Commitee, 2007-2010
- Chair, Legislation, 2007-2013
- Chair, Local Rules Commitee, 2011-2013
- Member, Elkins Working Group, 2009-2010
- Member, San Diego Family Law Action Committee, 2008-2010
- Member, Business Valuation Working Group in light of Elkins, 2009
- Member, Publicity Committee, 2005-2006
- Trials & Tribulations CFLS Newsletter, 2005-2006
- Chair, Winter CFLS Seminar, 2009
- Co-Chair, CFLS Summer Seminar, 2009
- Co-Chair, Spring Seminar, 2007
- Member, 2002-2013
- San Diego Family Law Bar Association
- Member, 2013-present
- Presenter at various SDFLBA family law seminars
- Michael Shea Award recipient, 2019
- El Dorado County Bar Association, member
- Executive Committee, 1999-2000
- Secretary, 1999-2000
- Editor, El Dorado County Newsletter, 1999-2000
- Member, 1997-2000
- Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, San Diego Chapter, Associate Attorney Member, 2005-2011
- Lawyers Club, Sustaining Member, 2001-2006
- Alzheimer’s Association, member, 2007-present; Walk For a Cure, Team Captain/Team Grandma Linda, 2020-present
- Pedal the Cause for Cancer, participant/fundraiser, San Diego, 2018
- United Way San Diego, member/donor/Women’s Leadership Council, 2017-2018
- Angel Food Project, Los Angeles, volunteer, 2019
- House of England, member, 2012-present
- House of Ireland, member, 2012-present
- St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, San Diego, member, 2004-present; annual Fall Festival and bakery volunteer, 2006-2016
- Disabled America Veterans, donor, volunteer
- Veterans of Foreign Wars, child of veteran member, 2022-present
- Rotary International, Foundation Scholar Alumni Association, 2014-2018
- North Park Toyland Parade
- Board Member, 2005-2012
- Chair, Toys for Tots Collaboration with the Military, 2012
- Chair, Politicians and Dignitaries, 2005-2012
- Fundraising Committee, 2006-2010
- North Park Community Association
- Board Member, 2005-2011
- Vice-President, 2009-2010
- Secretary, 2008-2009
- Parking Management Working Group, San Diego, co-presenter and author of the Report, committee member, 2010-2011
- Concert Committee, 2005-2011
- Chair, Renaissance Awards, 2005-2011
- Member, 2004-present
- North Park Citizens Patrol, committee member, volunteer, 2013
- Susan G. Koman Charity Fundraiser, organizer/host/breakfast sponsor, 2013
- Rebuilding Together, member, volunteer, 2006-2008
- Real Talk San Diego, December 22, 2016.