David Graham

Services & Specializations
Rhode Island;
US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit;
USDC, Central District of California;
USDC, Massachusetts;
USDC, Rhode Island;
USDC, Southern District of California
525 B Street, Suite 2200, San Diego, CA 92101
Office Tel.
David counsels education clients on the complex laws and regulations governing special education. He handles all phases of due process hearings while representing clients in the full spectrum of IEP and other matters. David provides guidance to directors, program specialists, coordinators, and IEP teams regarding IEP meetings, assessments, prior written notices, related services, discipline, offers of FAPE, drafting IEPs, and issues regarding 504 plans. He represents clients through all phases of the special education and 504 plan process, including resolution sessions, mediations and due process hearings. David also takes an active approach with school clients, providing trainings to special education teams on best practices and compliance.
After practicing law for several years, David became an Education Specialist. He worked with every grade level from K-12, both as a case manager/teacher and as an administrator. He holds a clear Education Specialist credential, as well as a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. He has since returned to practicing law, bringing education clients his experience as both a teacher and a school administrator.
- Teaching Credential, Mild/Moderate Education Specialist, High Tech High Graduate School of Education, 2017
- JD, Northeastern University School of Law, Boston, MA, 2007
- BA (Economics, Politics), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, 2004
- Presenter. “SPED Best Practices and IEP Compliance – Part II, Mid-Year Issues,” webinar, January 21, 2025.
- Co-presenter. “Compliant, Cost-Effective Special Education Services in NCB/IS Setting,” CSDC Conference, Sacramento, CA, November 20, 2024.
- Presenter. “SPED Best Practices and IEP Compliance, Part I Back-To-School Issues,” webinar, August 2, 2024.
- Presenter. “Section 504 Compliance,” webinar, May 8, 2024.
- Presenter. “IEPs vs. 504 Plans,” Association of California School Administrators, Winter Conference 2023, Palm Desert, CA.
- San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Program, 2020
- Rise UPP San Diego (Urban Principal Preparation), Fellow, 2018-2019
- San Diego County Restorative Practices