Adrian Martinez

Services & Specializations
525 B Street, Suite 2200, San Diego, CA 92101
Office Tel.
Adrian focuses on advising and representing clients in litigation matters, including civil litigation and family law disputes, with an emphasis in cross-border litigation. He represents clients, domestic and foreign, in litigation arising out of manifold business relationships, including partnerships and other fiduciary relationships. Adrian also counsels individuals and companies in disputes involving business torts, contractual disputes, enforcement of foreign money judgments, as well as conducting discovery for cases pending abroad.
In family disputes, Adrian represents clients in actions for termination of marital status, custody, support, and enforcement of foreign custody orders. Because of his background as an attorney schooled and licensed in Mexico, he represents clients in disputes related to the enforcement of the separate property regime (in Spanish, “regimen de separación de bienes”). He also represents clients in negotiating and entering into prenuptial agreements.
Adrian advises and represents clients in connection with jurisdictional and forum non conveniens complex issues, in both family and civil disputes. In several cross-border and international disputes, he obtained dismissal and/or stay court orders for his clients, who were being sued in California. Attorneys outside of California frequently consult with him on jurisdictional issues, in the eve of and during litigation.
Federal government offices, as well as private practitioners, have retained Adrian to serve as an expert witness on issues pertaining to Mexico civil law. He regularly collaborates with counsel in other states and countries to prepare for and engage in cross-border and multi-jurisdictional controversies.
Adrian has served a legal consultant for the Mexican Consulates in San Diego, and Calexico, since 2008.
- Represented client in Hague Child Abduction proceeding in California state court. (2024)
- Provided expert testimony on Mexican procedural law in a multijurisdictional dissolution action in Florida. (2024)
- Represented foreign clients in motions to dismiss or stay proceedings on the ground of inconvenient forum in state and federal courts in California. (2022-2024)
- Advised client in cross-border corporate dispute involving Baja California and California. (2023-2024)
- Represented client in Domestic Violence Prevention Act action in California. (2023-2024)
- Represented client in multi-jurisdictional child custody dispute. (2023-2024)
- Collaborated with counsel in New York in wrongful death action. (2020-2024)
- Collaborated with counsel in Arizona in motion to dismiss or stay proceeding on the ground of inconvenient forum in state court in Arizona. (2024)
- Represented clients in California and multi-jurisdictional premarital agreements.
- Represented clients in California cohabitation agreements.
- Represented bi-national individual in cross-border divorce proceeding, involving manifold complex jurisdictional issues. (2021)
- Represented Mexican manufacturer in product liability action filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, successfully obtaining dismissal order for client on jurisdictional grounds. (2020)
- Represented Mexican produce grower and U.S. produce distributor in alleged partnership dispute with California resident. (2019)
- Represented foreign manufacturer in multi-million distributorship dispute with U.S.-based distributor. (2017 thru 2019)
- Represented foreign investor in multi-million real estate/business dispute in Beverly Hills. (2015 thru 2018; two matters)
- Represented Israeli citizen in registration and enforcement of foreign support orders.
- Represented Spanish citizen in multi-jurisdictional dissolution proceedings.
- Represented U.S. citizen in enforcement of contract for real estate in Mexico.
- Advise and represent clients in cohabitation agreements under the laws of California.
- Represented Latin American CEO to dismiss an action for child custody and support, filed in California.
- Represented European businessperson to dismiss an action for divorce, support and division of property, filed in California
- Represented residents and nonresidents to enforce separate property regime marriage (regimen de separacion de bienes).
- Defended nonresident plastic surgeon in medical malpractice claim.
- Represented nonresident to enforce foreign child custody orders.
- Defended resident in fraudulent transfer action by nonresident former spouse.
- Prosecuted multi-million dollar fraud-claim for large Mexican energy company.
- Defended nonresident executive against tort claims brought by Latin American multimedia conglomerate.
- Represented resident in breach of contract action against Mexico-based time-share company.
- Represented nonresident in prosecution of multi-million dollar claim against business partners.
- Represented nonresidents in wrongful death and serious injuries claims.
- Defended prominent nonresident architect in breach of contract action.
- Represented multiple nonresidents in the negotiation and preparation of prenuptial agreements.
- Represented California architecture firm to wind-up its operations in Mexico.
- Advised US construction company in cross-border commercial litigation with foreign subcontractor.
- Served as expert witness on Mexican law for US Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles, and San Diego Federal Defender’s Office.
- Best Lawyers®, Commercial Litigation and Family Law, 2023-present
- Latino Leader of Influence, San Diego Business Journal, 2023
- LD, Universidad Anahuac del Sur, first class honors, 2000
- Adrian was a frequent guest speaker at Univision and addresses various topics of interest to the community. He has also been a regular guest speaker on Ricardo Vela’s radio program, “Voices of San Diego,” aired by Radio Hispana 1470 AM.
- Panelist. “Demystifying Mexican Law & Procedure in Cross-Border Cases,” San Diego Family Law Bar Association, San Diego, February 21, 2025.
- Speaker. “El potencial impacto de tarifas arancelarias en las relaciones contractuales tranfronterizas,” ANADE Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico, February 19, 2025.
- Instructor. “Basic Training: Family Law 2024,” California Family Law Report, webinar, September 20-21, 2024.
- Speaker. “Cómo hacer negocios en los Estados Unidos,” Knauss School of Business, University of San Diego, August 1, 2024.
- Role player. “Family Law from the Experts: The Evidence Rules Are the Pieces But it’s the Moves That Matter – The Practical Aspects of Family Law Evidence,” California Family Law Report, The Rutter Group, virtual, June 15, 2024.
- Speaker. “The Complexity of Federal Court Jurisdiction in the United States,” University of San Diego, virtual, July 9, 2024.
- Moderator, Private Conversation with Justice Alberto Perez Dayan, Associate Justice of Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, San Diego, May 23, 2024.
- Speaker, “Cross-Border Litigation,” 2nd Trinational Conference ANADE, San Diego, April 11, 2024.
- Lecturer. “Spanish for Lawyers,” California Western School of Law, February 22, 2024.
- Speaker. “International Litigation Topics,” ANADE Baja California, Mexicali, Baja California, January 17, 2024.
- Panelist. “Jurisdiction Issues in Marital Actions,” CLE Course, Continuing Education of the Bar – California, December 15, 2023.
- Speaker. “Litigation in the U.S. can be expensive. A negotiated settlement may be more cost-effective,” The Chief Negotiator podcast, December 2023.
- Speaker. “Cláusulas Contractuales “Desatendidas” en Transacciones Comerciales Transfronterizas y su Impacto,” ANADE Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico, October 13, 2023.
- Panelist. “Procopio International Litigation & Arbitration Retreat: Resolution of Conflicts involving the U.S. and Mexico,” San Diego, September 29, 2023.
- Panelist. “Matrimonios Depredadores,” Seminario Anual Step México 2023, Mexico City, Mexico, June 22, 2023.
- Speaker. “Cross-Border and International Law Practice,” Universidad Iberomericana México, virtual, February 22, 2023.
- Panelist. “Tax and Corporate Obligations Derived from Cross-Border Investments U.S.-Mexico,” National Association of Mexican Notaries, November 10, 2022.
- Panelist. “Transacting Business in the United States,” Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, virtual, September 24, 2022.
- Panelist. ”International mediation in light of the Singapore Convention and the problems in the enforcement of the Convention,” ICC International Congress on Arbitration and Mediation, September 8-9, 2022.
- Panelist. ”Foreign Investment in Mexico,” National Association of Mexican Notaries, August 27, 2022.
- Author. “2022 Guide to Enforcing Foreign Judgments: California U.S.A.,” LEI International, June 2022.
- Speaker. “Oral Civil Trials: The Implementation of the Adversary System in Latin America,” Instituto Latinoamericano de Derecho y Justicia, California Western School of Law, virtual, July 28, 2021.
- Speaker. “Recognition and Enforcement in California of Judgments Entered in Mexico,” Asociación Mexicana de Derecho Internacional Privado y Comparado, A.C. (AMEDIP), virtual, April 29, 2021.
- Speaker. “Recomendaciones Prácticas en Asuntos Civiles Transfronterizos,” Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa (ANADE Jalisco), virtual, December 4, 2020.
- Author. “Mexican Professional Offering Services to California Customers May Face Unexpected Legal Risks,” November 16, 2020.
- Speaker. “Recomendaciones Prácticas en Asuntos Civiles Transfronterizos,” Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa (ANADE Baja California), virtual, October 22, 2020.
- Panelist. “8th annual Latin American Conference of the International Innocence Project,” virtual, Oct. 9, 2020.
- Panelist. “Estratégias para Iniciar Tu Operación en Estados Unidos,” Calidad Suprema México, webinar, September 18, 2020.
- Panelist. “Domestication and Enforcement of Foreign Child and Spousal Support Orders in California,” two-part webinar, August 26, 2020.
- Panelist. “The Unforeseen Perils of Attempting to Enforce a Foreign Judgment,” The U.S.-Mexico Bar Association’s 25th Annual Conference, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, October 24, 2019.
- Presenter. “Prevención de Conflictos en la Relación Médico – Paciente,” 1er Foro y Expo // Medical+Health 2019, Tijuana, Baja California, June 4, 2019.
- Panelist. “How to Obtain Mexican Jurisdiction Over a Child in the California Dependency System through the UCCJEA,” California Appellate Defense Counsel, San Diego, California, July 2018.
- Panelist. “Liquidación del Patrimonio Familiar – La Experiencia Binacional,” Fiscalistica 2018, Guadalajara, Jalisco, February 2018.
- Panelist. “Grappling with Cross-Border Jurisdiction and Inconvenient Forum Issues: What if she’s here, he’s there, the kids are in-between, and the property is all over the place?” Procopio, San Diego, California, March 2017.
- Panelist. “How to Obtain Mexican Jurisdiction Over a Child in the California Dependency System through the UCCJEA,” California Appellate Defense Counsel, San Diego, California, March 2017.
- Panelist. “La Responsabilidad de Empresarios y Administradores ante una Gestión Inadecuada de las Empresas, tanto en México como en U.S.A,” Fiscalistica 2017, Guadalajara, Jalisco, February 2017.
- Speaker. “Análisis Comparativo de las Principales Diferencias Legales Procesales entre México y en Estados Unidos de América,” Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Guadalajara Jalisco, A.C., Guadalajara, Jalisco, June 2016.
- Author. “La Responsabilidad De Profesionistas Mexicanos en EEUU,” Consejero Empresarial, March 2016.
- Panelist. “Mexico’s Legal Developments Piercing the Corporate Veil for Tax Purposes,” USD Procopio International Tax Institute, San Diego, California, October 2015.
- Speaker. “International Divorces and Disputes,” XVI Jornada Fiscal Regional del Noroeste, Culiacán, Sinaloa, September 2015.
- Speaker. “International Contracts,” Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, Culiacán, Sinaloa, May 2015.
- Speaker. “Cross Border Disputes,” Magno Congreso – Fiscalistica 2015, Guadalajara, Jalisco, March 2015.
- Panelist. “Tax Implications of Cross Border Marital Disputes,” USD Procopio International Tax Institute, San Diego, California, October 2014.
- Speaker. “Consideraciones Legales Contenciosas en los EE.UU.,” Instituto de Contadores Públicos de Nuevo León, A.C. May 2014.
- Speaker. “Consideraciones Legales Contenciosas en los EE.UU.,” 3er Congreso de Fiscalidad Internacional, Mexicali, Baja California, March 2014.
- Speaker. “Mexican prenuptial agreements as an Estate Planning mechanism,” Club Rotario, Tijuana, Baja California, September 2012.
- Author. “Los Riesgos Ocultos de la Promoción de Servicios Profesionales en el Extranjero: ¿Me Pueden Demandar en California si Ejerzo mi Profesión Exclusivamente en México?” May 2011.
- Author. “’Los Efectos Legales del Caso Fernandez’: Un Breve Análisis Sobre la Validez en California de las Capitulaciones Matrimoniales y los Matrimonios Bajo el Régimen de Separación de Bienes Celebrados en México,” February 2011.
- Mentor, Crawford Law Academy Virtual Internship Program, 2024
- Board Member, Advisory Board, Crawford Law Academy, 2023 to present
- Adjunct Professor at California Western School of Law’s “Maestria en Litigio Oral (Spanish-Language LL.M)”, San Diego, California, 2014 to 2022
- Coach, Nazareth School’s Varsity Flag Football Team, San Diego, California, 2021
- Member, Committee Diversity and Inclusion, San Diego County Bar Association, 2020
- Coach, Nazareth School’s Junior Varsity Flag Football Team, San Diego, California, 2019
- Trustee, Board of Trustees, San Diego Museum of Art, 2011–2014
- Board Member, Board of Directors, Kids’ Turn of San Diego, 2009–2013
- “Procopio Elevates Partners,” The Daily Transcript, January 16, 2018.
- “Adrian Martinez: Reaching his American Dream,” La Prensa San Diego, October 14, 2016.