Leading Connectivity Company Acquires Cloud-Based Storage and Mobility Provider
Leading Connectivity Company Acquires Cloud-Based Storage and Mobility Provider

Client and leading provider of carrier-class, on-demand connectivity for the enterprise cloud core, PacketFabric, acquired a cloud-based provider of storage and data mobility solutions, privately held RSTOR, Inc. “By integrating RSTOR’s storage infrastructure and data mobility technology at the edge of PacketFabric’s carrier-class Network as a Service platform, we can help enterprises build an agile and high-performance cloud data core,” said PacketFabric CEO Dave Ward.
Procopio managed the acquisition for PacketFabric, led by Procopio Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategic Joint Ventures group co-leader Paul Johnson. Providing support on a variety of corporate and tax issues were additional Procopio attorneys David Boatwright, Eric Swenson, and John C. Lee. Learn more in PacketFabric’s press release.
Patrick Ross, Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications
EmailP: 619.906.5740
Suzie Jayyusi, Events Planner
EmailP: 619.525.3818