Civil Rights Activist Awarded Key to the City of Oakland
Civil Rights Activist Awarded Key to the City of Oakland

Congratulations to client and activist Fredrika Newton on being awarded the Key to the City of Oakland, California, for her years of activism and advocacy. Fredrika is President of the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, which preserves and promotes the legacy and vision for the Black Panther Party through development and distribution of educational materials, establishment of educational conferences and forums, and preservation and exhibition of historical archives.
Fredrika, the widow of Dr. Newton, states:
“I am grateful to have lived to this day, to know that Huey’s significance lives on. Despite the demonization of him by the U.S. Government, the FBI, and all those who endorse the government’s ongoing effort to malign his name, even in death, the Party he founded is still celebrated today and will be for generations to come by people who love freedom.”
Procopio IP attorney Brooke Oliver has long represented Fredrika and her company, All Power to the People, which sells a wide variety of attire and other merchandise. The company supports the Foundation with 20% of its proceeds. Brooke provides copyright and trademark registration, maintenance, licensing and enforcement services.
Patrick Ross, Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications
EmailP: 619.906.5740
Suzie Jayyusi, Events Planner
EmailP: 619.525.3818