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Leading Mental Health Services Coordinator Receives Significant Growth Investment

Leading Mental Health Services Coordinator Receives Significant Growth Investment

Leading Mental Health Services Coordinator Receives Significant Growth Investment

Kudos to client and leading coordinator of mental healthcare services Care Solace on its significant strategic growth investment from venture firm Lemnis. This investment helps Care Solace continue to advance its revolutionizing mental health care access, bridging the gap to social agencies and community-based mental health providers as the leading provider of mental health care coordination services for K-12 schools and municipalities. Lemnis is a philanthropic venture investing in companies that expand learning opportunities. Its name derives from “lemniscate,” the word for the infinity symbol, which the investment firm says represents boundless potential.

Procopio Capital Markets and Securities attorneys represented Care Solace in the investment process, led by attorneys Trent Andrews, Kaitlyn Jensen, and Takeshi Sumida, working hand-in-hand with Care Solace Head of Finance Stephanie Bergstrom.

Care Solace uses a human-centered and technology supported approach match individuals with individualized mental health care. Dedicated multilingual Care Companions are available 24/7/365 to ensure the perfect fit for each person’s unique care needs and insurance requirements. The organization has a network of 600K+ licensed providers, serving 937 organizations across the United States.

Learn more in this Care Solace press release.

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